Sharing Info on an Infiltrator: Solidarity with Arrested Enviros

Three enviros doing actions associated with Earth Liberation Front (ELF) in the U.S. were nabbed by cops thanks to two years of work by Anna, the infiltrating snitch. Now the word’s out and folks are tracing her movements – courting activist trust, all her emails signed off with “solidarity” or “resist”. For the full expose of a lying, snitch infiltrator, click here. Forgive a wee rant here – the lesson is NOT that we should respond by treating each other with suspicion. The lesson is that there is RISK associated with planning SOME actions – autonomy is good. So, is legal support. “We” are prone to internalize the criminalization of dissent by becoming our own police, dividing ourselves into “cool” and “not cool” when, in reality, it is RARE that we need to actually plan in private and, as “Anna” proves, we will NOT know who the undercover is! I was part of an action that included an anarchist block – one of the key organizers turned out later to be a cop (arrived at a demo in uniform!). He was involved in the organizing of the action as long as any of us and was as involved in the (stupid corporate security culture) discussions about who was cool and not cool as anyone. He seemed more cagey and suspicious than average, less open and outreach-y than average and totally a part of planning/proposing edgy actions (face piercings, native, had all the lingo, I could go on). WE WILL NOT KNOW THE UNDERCOVER (tho we successfully picked off a few fifty-buck-a-day informants). We need to stop “blaming the victim”, stop spreading corporate security toxins within our community, and get on with the business of building for better days.

ACTION ALERT: Free Leonard Peltier!

Political Prisoner held for 30 years by U.S. government A Hearing has been scheduled for February 13, 2006 to correct the illegal sentencing that occurred in Leonard Peltier’s case. The basis for this motion is that the United States District Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction under the statutes upon which Mr. Peltier was convicted and sentenced. Leonard Peltier is a citizen of the Anishinabe and Dakota/Lakota Nations who has been unjustly imprisoned since 1976, even though government attorneys and courts acknowledge that the government withheld evidence, fabricated evidence, and coerced witnesses to fraudulently convict him. Leonard is recognized worldwide as a political prisoner and a symbol of resistance against the abuse and repression of indigenous people. To many Indigenous Peoples, Leonard Peltier is a symbol of the long history of abuse and repression they have endured. This year marks the 30th year of Leonard’s imprisonment. Despite the fact that the government has admitted that the trial was a fraud, Leonard is still behind bars because the U.S. doesn’t want this vocal defender of indigenous rights to be free. Call or Fax the Federal Court in St. Louis: Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse 111 South 10th Street St. Louis, MO 63102 Phone (314) 244-2600 FAX (314) 244-2605 for more information about Leonard Peltier’s case click here.

Law Union of Ontario Annual Conference

FRIDAY MARCH 24th, 7:30pm “Finding a Balance? Human rights, national security and the role of law and lawyers” Paul Cavalluzzo, human rights lawyer (speaking personally, not as counsel to the Arar inquiry) OISE, 252 Bloor St. West (at St. George subway station) Wheelchair accessible, Childcare available on request AFTER: socialize at Fox and Fiddle pub, 280 Bloor St. West SATURDAY MARCH 25th, 9am to 5pm OISE 252 Bloor St. West (at St. George subway station) Wheelchair accessible, Childcare available on request $30 for all panels or pay what you can low income and unwaged $10 per session or pay what you can low income and unwaged Law Union memberships will be available at the door PANELS Session 1 9:15am to 10:45am PANEL I: Undermining Workers’ Safety: A Roundtable on How Law Impedes Occupational Health and Safety Interests This panel comprises distinguished and diverse panelists who have gathered to raise awareness on how Canada’s constitutional, criminal and labour laws, even if well-intentioned, can undermine legitimate workplace health and safety interests. *Rick Blair (Ryder Wright Blair Holmes) *Michael Grossman (Toronto Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic) *Patricia O’Reilly (Injured Workers Consultants Community Legal Clinic) *Sabrina Pacini (Women of Inspiration) *Moderator: Ken Stuebing (CaleyWray Labour Lawyers) Panel II: Capitalizing the Earth: Environmental Crediting and First Nations Economic instruments such as crediting schemes could be ways to motivate good environmental behaviour through market incentives. This panel will look at the potential for such mechanisms in the context of local communities and indigenous peoples both within Canada and globally. *Dr. Laura Westra, an adjunct professor at York University and professor emeritus at the University of Windsor. *Dean Jacobs, the Chief of Walpole Island First Nation *Graham Erion, a climate change activist and an LLB student at Osgoode Hall Law School. Panel III: Paralegals and Politics: Regulating Paralegals A panel on the new plans to regulate paralegals by the Law Society of Upper Canada, whether it will benefit clients and social movements. *Vilma Filici (Filici legal services) *A.J. Withers (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty) *Moderator: Natasha Ceasar (Law clerk and paralegal with Carranza Barristers and Solicitors) 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Session 2 Panel I: Racialized Justice and Colonial Violence Against Native Women – The concept of impunity in the consolidation of a settler state *Audrey Huntley, woman of mixed native and settler ancestry community researcher and filmmaker *Robyn Bourgeouis (Lubicon), activist, Ph.D. Candidate, OISE *Amber O’Hara, First Nations researcher, activist and a family member of one of the murdered women. She has documented these cases over the past ten years Panel II: Reform of the Human Rights Code- the Direct Access Debate For over forty years the Ontario Human Rights Commission has acted as the “gatekeeper” of the human rights enforcement system, investigating complaints, referring some for hearing and dismissing others. The Attorney General recently announced the first major overhaul of the Code since it’s introduction in the 1960s, to produce a more “direct access” model. This panel will explore the pros and cons of the current system versus the direct access model. * Margaret Parsons, Executive Director of the African Canadian Legal Clinic and spokesperson on issues of race and equity * David Lepofsky, lawyer, author, advocate for the disabled and former chair of the Ontarians with Disabilities Committee * Kathy Laird, Exectutive Director of the Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario and member of the Association of Human Rights Lawyers of Ontario Panel III: Race, Crime and Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Political parties of all stripes are trumpeting mandatory minimum sentencing as a means of halting gun violence and dealing with other social problems. But experiences in other jurisdictions show the outcomes of such policies disproportionately impact communities of colour without any real effect on crime rates. Join lawyers on the cutting edge of fighting racial discrimination for a critical discussion of the issue. *Kikélola Roach, civil lawyer with Roach, Schwartz and Associates *Selwyn Pieters, lawyer, sole practitioner *Moderator: Mike Leitold, student-at-law and LUO Steering Committee member 12:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch break and an opportunity for informal mentoring for law, law clerk and paralegal students (pizza will be provided) Session 3 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Panel I: Fighting Canada Corporations and Environmental Crimes Canadian mining operations now span more than 100 countries – an expansion that has left some of the world’s worst environment disasters in its wake. The record of this industry within Canada has also been marked by bulldozing local interests, environmental destruction and violation of indigenous rights. This panel will compare legal options for holding Canadian mining corporations accountable for their actions within Canada and abroad. *Justin Duncan, a Staff Lawyer with Sierra Legal Defence Fund in Toronto. *Grahame Russell, the co-director of Rights Action, a non-governmental organization that supports community-controlled development and human rights projects. *Sara Seck, a PhD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School specializing in the regulation of Canadian mining corporations abroad. *Dr. Catherine Coumans, Research Coordinator at MiningWatch Canada and responsible for the Asia-Pacific Program Panel II: Immigration Law: More of the Same Old Problems This panel will examine the issues facing people attempting to immigrate to Canada or seek refugee here. The following subjects will be discussed: the degradation of procedural fairness in the refugee determination process (such as the use of reverse order questioning where the claimant is questioned by the immigration officer not their own counsel first) and the use of security to undermine immigrants’ legal rights and the campaigns in the community to fight back. * Leigh Salsberg and Andrew Brouwer, speaking on the requirement that refugees who come to Canada through the United States make their claims there (Safe Third Country) *Catherine Bruce, speaking on reverse order questioning Barbara Jackman Barrister and Solicitor, speaking on security certificates *Sima Zerehi, No One Is Illegal and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, will speak on community campaigns for change *Moderator: Geri Sadoway, Immigration Counsel at Parkdale Community Legal Services Panel III: This is What a Democracy Looks Like: Democratic Reform in Canada What are the fundamental requirements for healthy representative democracy and an accountable government? What principles and procedures can best ensure a participatory decision-making system for Canadians of all backgrounds? Why are these requirements, principles and procedures not observed under Canada’s current electoral laws and democratic institutions? Finally, how can we, as community-minded citizens, organize to build an open, accessible and just democracy in Canada? *Wayne Smith, President of Fair Vote Canada *Joe Murray, Chair of Fair Vote Ontario *Dennis Pilon, a CRC post-doctoral fellow in Canadian Studies at Trent University. 3:15 PLENARY: TOTURE, HOW CAN WE FIGHT IT? A free flowing discussion on Canada’s involvement in and tacit consent for torture, strategies and movements being developed to fight back against this involvement and consent. Discussants are experts in the effects of torture and in the legal ramifications of our involvement in torture. *Ezat Mossallanejad, Settlement Counsellor/Policy Analyst and Researcher, Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture *Paul Copeland, Law Union counsel on security issues and lawyer for Abdullah Almalki *Barbara Jackman, lawyer for Ahmed El Maati For more information: 416-926-8034 x 153 or

Fighting Canadian Corporations and Environmental Crime

Panel at the Law Union Annual Conference March 25, 2006, 1:30-3:00
Moderator: Sarah Dover, Articling Student, Birchall Northey LLP

Canadian mining operations now span more than 100 countries – an expansion that has left some of the world’s worst environment disasters in its wake. The record of this industry within Canada has also been marked by bulldozing local interests, environmental destruction and violation of indigenous rights. This panel will compare legal options for holding Canadian mining corporations accountable for their actions within Canada and abroad in anticipation of the federal government considering new regulation to address environmental harms and human rights abuses by Canadian mining companies committed outside of Canada. Panellists Justin Duncan – is a Staff Lawyer with Sierra Legal Defence Fund in Toronto. His recent legal battles include victories in protecting a provincial park from the re-opening of a road and defending municipal pesticide bylaws. He is actively involved in public legal education to give Canadian activists tools to battle corporations and governments that would harm the environment. Grahame Russell – is the co-director of Rights Action, a non-governmental organization that supports community-controlled development and human rights projects in Mexico, Central America and Haiti, and that carries out education and activism work in Canada and the US related to global human rights and development issues. Grahame works on community impacts in the South of Canadian mining operations. Sara Seck – is a phD candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School specializing in the regulation of Canadian mining corporations abroad. She delivered the keynote address, titled “Exploding the Myths: Why Home States are Reluctant to Regulate”, at the November 2005 multi-stakeholder round table on “Regulating Canadian Mining Companies Operating Internationally” hosted by MiningWatch. Catherine Coumans – is the Research Coordinator and responsible for the Asia-Pacific Program at MiningWatch Canada which co-ordinates the public interest response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world. Catherine is intimately familiar with the current effort to push the federal government towards regulating Canadian mining companies outside Canada and sits on the an Advisory Group to the government’s roundtable process on Corporate Social Responsibility and Mining.